A.A. Milne and Syracuse Weather

Welcome to Poetry Friday, this week hosted by Jone Rush MacCulloch, here. I wonder what her muse has in store for us this week!

A snow storm passed through Syracuse yesterday and the world here is white- the trees, the roads, the yards and roofs of houses. I’m thinking about going out side later and what I will wear, so that I am cozy and warm when I do.

And while staring out at this new world and thinking about what to post this week, I stumbled upon A.A. Milne and his 1924 book of poems, WHEN WE WERE YOUNG, which is in the public domain. Such joyful verse! Hear these poems read on you tube here.

I love the innocence in A.A. Milne poems and his connection with the voice of a child. Being British, Milne no doubt understood well the importance of dressing for miserable weather, as in this poem:

by A.A. Milne

John had
Great Big
Boots on;
John had a
Great Big
John had a
Great Big
And that
(Said John)

What is it about this simple poem? First, the title. Who wouldn’t wonder what the poet is about to say about happiness, which is something we think of and search for, lately especially. The title draws us in.

Happiness is not about grand things. Rather it’s about things like being warm and dry when we’re out and about in the weather. It’s recognizing and appreciating basic things really do make us happy. Children seem to know this. Here’s a short ditty with my possible snow adventure in mind:


 Turtle neck,
 A sweater
 A coat, all weather,
 Long johns
 Snow pants
 Angora Socks,
 none warmer than that,
 and my Russian fleece hat.
 © Janice Scully

Stay warm, cozy, and well everyone, and have a great weekend.