Summer Travel and Three Haiku

Welcome to Poetry Friday, this week hosted by the talented Laura Purdie Salas HERE. I’ve been away, busy with family and being outdoors as much as I can. With August, another season is on the horizon there is still time to enjoy summer. I am eager to catching up with my Poetry Friday friends.

I hope everyone has enjoyed time off from work and the warm weather.

I’ve enjoyed two short trips this summer. Last weekend My husband, Bart, and I drove to Canada and saw a few plays at the Shaw Festival at Niagara on the Lake. It was a thrill to see the pandemic over and flowers in full bloom everywhere.

Earlier, in June, we visited a friend for a week in Big Fork, Montana and experienced Glacier National Park for the first time. Every time I go to a national park, I realize what a gift such places are. Even if I am not able to go very often, I enjoy knowing that wild places are there and being protected.

One photo can hardly describe how big this place is. Soaring mountains, acres of pine trees.

There have been fires here. Below, new growth thrives among the ghosts of trees. This white flower is a Beargrass bloom. One of many wild flowers I saw.

Beargrass is striking to see; the white against the forest.

Beargrass flowering
among charred stumps and new pines--
midsummer magic

© Janice Scully 2024

Many other flowers dotted the landscape, each finding a special place to flourish.

species: Calochortus apiculatus, a member of the lily family

Species: Castilleja hispida, known as harsh Indian paintbrush

Indian paintbrush
blushing in the green forest
waiting to be seen.

©Janice Scully 2024

Penstemon: or beardtongues is a large genus of 280 species native to North America.

I saw animals as well. Eagles, a fox and this spectacular moose, eating wet grass in a pond. He drew a bit of a crowd, though the park was not too crowded, which I was grateful for.

A solitary moose!


Pretends he's alone
ignoring the spectators
hidden behind trees.

© Janice Scully 2024

I want to remember details that make a place special, and later, try to feel what it was like to be there again. It’s why we take pictures.

Have a great weekend! I look forward to hosting Poetry Friday on 7/16/24.

My husband, Bart, and I. We really were there!

Thank you, Laura, for hosting!