Haiku, Day 27 National Poetry Month

I’m nearing the end of April and will miss writing a haiku a day. Perhaps I will continue with a poem of some form every day, try to avoid the myriad of distractions.

Here’s a haiku inspired by my favorite green that used to be enjoyed by the ancient Greeks and Romans. I like it simmered with sautéed garlic and onions in olive oil, beans and a little chicken broth. It’s one of my favorite and easy things to cook.

Escarole lives on--
ancient salad greens survived
the collapse of Rome.

©Janice Scully 2023

Haiku: Day 25 of National Poetry Month

In Scientific American Magazine, (May 2023 issue), I read that space exploration is focusing on a few of the many moons of Jupiter, such as Europa, because water was spotted by the Hubble Space Telescope. Water, of course, may mean life.

It seems, to explore moon oceans, a moon walk might not be enough. And to get there, it will take eight years for the six-ton JUICE ( which stands for Jupiter Icy Moons Explorer) to get there.

Water plumes spotted--
Jupiter's icy moons slosh.
Time for a moon dive.

© Janice Scully 2023