A Half Moon and Other Small Things

Welcome to Poetry Friday, this week hosted by Susan HERE at her blog Chicken Spaghetti. Thank you for hosting, Susan!

This week I will share a photo I took one evening this summer of a perfect half moon. The moon is very big, with a diameter of 2,159.2 miles, about 1/4 the size of Earth. But it is 238,855 away from our Earth and so it looks very small as I gaze up at it from my driveway.

Half-moon suspended
held in view by gravity
half lit, half hidden

© Janice Scully

I would not consider the moon a small thing, just a large object that happens to be far away.

Recently an on-line magazine was looking for poems about small things. So I thought about things much much smaller than the moon, things that I encounter here on earth. I wrote a poem and sent it. My poem wasn’t chosen, it’s short and straight forward. I revised it some and will share it here.


A seedling
in a forest,
a raindrop
in a lake,
a firefly in the night,
snow, a single flake.

The little bird that chatters
every stone, or flower or bee.

On Earth all small things matter
so we protect them,
you and me.

© Janice Scully 2024

Thank you, Susan, for hosting. Best wishes to all the amazing teachers and librarians who are returning to school.