Cows in Winter

Welcome to Poetry Friday, this week hosted by Mary Lee at A Year of Reading. Thank you for hosting! Make sure to stop by to see what Mary Lee’s got in store for us this week.

Want to know more about Poetry Friday? Look HERE.

Going for a ride for pleasure has become a rather rare thing lately, as there are few places to stop. But this week my husband and I drove south of Syracuse on back roads. The snow was gently falling, and we encountered a few cows in a pasture. They stood like statues, stopped by the cold. Or maybe there was another reason they were so quiet. They inspired a poem.


this morning,

by snowflakes, 
that perhaps, 
like a swarm
of fire flies
at night, sparkled
in their eyes

or was it the grass 
all around
d i s a p p e a r i n g
in white?

© Janice Scully 2020

I hope everyone is healthy. I’m looking forward to the vaccine, which really is a truly amazing accomplishment, though we must be patient. My gratitude to all the brilliant scientists that are helping us get past this pandemic!