THINGS WE DO, A “Hot off the Press” Poetry Anthology.

Welcome to Poetry Friday! This week we are hosted by Jama at her sumptuous blog, Jama’s Alphabet Soup. Thank you Jama for hosting! Stop by and check out her post for Poetry Friday.

As I write this, tomorrow, 10/22 is the the date that Sylvia Vardell and Janet Wong’s new poetry anthology THINGS WE DO, for kids age 4-6, will be available on Amazon, Here. The title is on the Children’s Book Council’s list of new books for October Here.

Inside are poems contributed by well-known as well as lesser-known children’s poets. As listed in the Children’s Book Council page, the poets in this anthology include:

Beth Brody, Joseph Bruchac, Jen Bryant, Mary E. Cronin, Linda A. Dryfhout, Margarita Engle, Janet Clare Fagal, Marilyn Garcia, Nikki Grimes, Carol Labuzzetta, Marty Lapointe-Malchik, Grace Lin, Molly Lorenz, Jone Rush MacCulloch, Pat Mora, Linda Sue Park, Moe Phillips, Jack Prelutsky, Janice Scully, Linda Kulp Trout, Padma Venkatraman, Leslie Stall Widener, Carole Boston Weatherford, Janet Wong, Jane Yolen, and Helen Kemp Zax. 

Those of us attending Sylvia and Janet’s on-line workshop, “Anthology 201” had an opportunity to contribute to the collection and learn about the details required in publishing work such as this.

Each poem is inspired by a photo that illustrates a letter of the alphabet.

I will share my poem here. I love this action photo. It really captures the focus and determination of a child kicking. I know others will be sharing their poems, too. From actions such as eating, to inventing to yawning to zooming, these poems are fun and it was an honor to work with Janet and Sylvia, as well as fun to be part of this creative group of children’s writers.


Grass Shaker
worm waker

High popper
cloud topper

Ball smasher
goal crasher

Tie breaker
score maker

Watch me

© Janice Scully 2021

Have a great day, everyone! Stay well and warm, too, as the autumn chill slowly creeps in for Halloween, as it is where I live in Upstate New York.

Backmatter Matters

Welcome to Poetry Friday! This week the talented Laura Purdie Salas is hosting HERE. Thank you for hosting, Laura!

What is Poetry Friday? Find out HERE.

This week I began the Anthology 201 course by poets Janet Wong and Sylvia Vardell. What does it take to create a poetry anthology? I signed up to find out. They are smart and generous teachers.

As and example of a well written anthology, I happened to have Sylvia’s 2020 anthology, A WORLD FULL OF POEMS. These poems are for young children, 187 in all, from almost as many poets. Many are well known, some you will recognize from Poetry Friday. But the book is not just poems. The back matter in this book is quite useful.

For parents, teachers, and curious children, you will find:

1) Poetry activity suggestions, such as reading aloud, ending each day with a poem and more.

2) Poetry Activities such as a treasure hunt tips on reading out loud.

3) Easy tips on how to have a conversation about a poem.

4) How to begin writing poems.

5) Different kinds of poems such as list poems and haiku.

6) How to add art.

7) How to get better as a poet.

8) It also includes clever ways for a family to put poetry into daily life. For example, keeping a book of poems in the car, ending each day with a poem and more.

A WORLD FULL OF POEMS is a beautiful book, an anthology full of wonderful poems, and a useful resource for all ages.

Thank you, Laura Purdie Salas for hosting. Have a good weekend everyone and stay well!