Welcome to Poetry Friday, this week hosted by children’s author and awesome nature photographer Buffy Silverman Here. Thank you, Buffy, for hosting!

I was a little sad to end my National Poetry Month daily haiku project. It was fun sharing my photos and haiku on Facebook and it was indeed a hodgepodge of subjects. Here are the last few.

Have you seen the trees?
Overnight, long gray branches
speckled green with leaves!

Morning passengers
criss-cross the cool morning sky--
for lunch in New York?

March on Washington--
women looked to the future
and saw the present

"On little cat feet"
gray fog settled in;
slept the whole morning.
Thank you all so much for reading and commenting this month.
Poetry encourages us to look at the world through different glasses. My husband and I found these glasses below at the De Young Museum in San Francisco. They made the world look like multi-faceted cut diamond.

Have a great weekend! Be sure to check in with our host, Buffy Silverman, Here.
Your hodgepodge is a delight! I especially like Spring Color–every day this week our green has grown!
We have that “speckled green” around here, too, Janice! It is a delight, as have been your haiku. I hope you put together a kind of ‘haiku diary’ of the month! Happy May!
Janice, I love your fog settling in all morning. Very grey (and fits with Jama’s post!). You know…you could keep going with the haiku…no need to stop just because the month is over…xo
True. I like the daily practice but am ready to try a different form. Thought for some reason I can’t always comment on your blog, I love reading it and am always inspired. xo
Thanks for sharing these. What a gorgeous cloud photo! Love the fog sleeping in. Always like seeing the trees greening up — we went from a few speckled green sightings to trees in full leaf in a matter of days. Amazing!
Really enjoyed your ekphrastic haikus this month, Janice!
Your take on fog is quite accurate. My cat approves…and is off to take a(nother) nap.
Janice, thank you for sharing your bundle of poems. The topics are varied and interesting, especially the one about Syracuse. I can see why you will be sad after this glorious month of writng.
These are wonderful, Janice. I especially like the one about fog!
Janice, great final chapter of your haiku/photo project. I loved seeing the image from January 2017. How heartbreaking that this is true: “women looked to the future / and saw the present” Wow.
I enjoyed the two tree photos and haiku with the speckles of green and the lifting fog. Congrats on a great NPM!
I love this collection of haiku!