A White Christmas

Thank you, Buffy Silverman, for hosting Poetry Friday and for your review of Liz Garton Scanlon’s excellent new picture book, ONE DARK BIRD.

Happy Holidays!

This week, I’ve been busy getting ready for Christmas and planning to visit my son next week, but not too busy to enjoy our white Christmas and to write a haiku.

It’s been beautiful here in Syracuse today. This photo is just outside my door: fresh snow on branches and gold Christmas lights.

A cacophony 
muffled in new fallen snow--
peace, this afternoon. 

I wish everyone a peaceful Poetry Friday.

9 thoughts on “A White Christmas”

  1. Janice… this is perfect! Thank you so much for this haiku and the wishes for peace this season. My best to you…

  2. Lovely- both the photo and haiku. I love how you evoke the silence of snow with a cacophony muffled.

    I’m heading to nyc in a couple days to visit my daughter, but it looks like it will be too warm for snow. Enjoy!

  3. Simply lovely.
    I grew up west of Syracuse and I loved the snow. I don’t miss it much now though! A friend here in VA and who is originally from TX is at her first year at SU. She’s kinda blown away by the snow there. I hope she enjoys the peace of it as you’ve described.

    1. Actually very little snow this year. This week it’s been rainy and the snow disappeared. I hope your friend likes Syracuse.

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