Lost Trail, a poem

Welcome to Poetry Friday, this week hosted by poet Marcie Flinchum Atkins Here. Thank you Marcie for hosting.

I’ve been away for a couple of weeks. I traveled to California to see my son’s wedding. While there, I met and got to know Philip’s delightful new in-laws, who are from China. Phil arranged some pre-wedding activities that included some lovely Chinese food, a trip to a State Park, and a ferry to Alcatraz Prison! It was fun and I do love history and cool souvenirs.

Because of Meng and her parents, our small family is much bigger and my world is full of new things to learn, like Chinese for instance, (at least within my limited capability). Meng was an amazing translator. I also discovered the WeChat translation app and spoke to Meng’s Mom directly.

The wedding took place at the San Francisco City Hall. I figure that since I mentioned the wedding during my last post along with a haiku, I have to follow it up with a photo. Below is Phil and Meng.

Meng and Philip

Other brides and grooms waited their turn, all so different. It was a joyful, bustling place.

The next photo is my husband and I, me wearing an emerald green scarf that is a gift from Meng’s generous parents that displays a Chinese painting from the 1100’s. No, the scarf is not that old.

Besides the good news of the wedding, one of my poems was published this week.

Lost Trail, can be found this week in the Tiny Seed Literary Journal, and I’ve written it here:

Lost Trail

One day,
walking with my mother,
she stopped. 

It was early spring.

She cupped in her hand 
a stem of tiny white flowers,
so bright they glowed
among matted leaves at the base
of a pine.

because of the way
she recognized the pale buds
as friends,
I now understand
she had been here before

and I imagine that
someone once took her walking
and with soft knowing eyes,
bent over the same
wondrous flowers
and said,
"See? Trailing Arbutus!
Native to here."

I wish I'd asked, "Who?"

©Janice Scully 2023

It’s been a summer full of love, and hopefully I will have time to write more poems and work on revision in the coming months. I look forward to checking out the posts from the Poetry Friday community this week.

What is Poetry Friday? Look Here.

I wish everyone a leisurely summer with time off, and some shady cool places in which to hang out. (It’s 95 degrees here in Syracuse today! I know it’s not the only sweltering place. )

10 thoughts on “Lost Trail, a poem”

  1. Oh my, Janice, I love seeing the pictures of your son & his bride, then you & your husband. What a special time you had! Best wishes to them! And I love the beauty of your poem, full of mystery and love at the same time! Happy Summer to you!

  2. Hooray and congratulations! I love that green scarf. I’ve brought home silk scarves from China…they are really the best. And, I understand the learning curve for Chinese culture. Some of my kids are Chinese and I tried really hard to make sure we incorporated as much culture and language as we could before they all became teens! One of my favorite videos was Big Bird in China.
    Your poem is wonderful…I have so many questions I wished I had asked. I love how wistful and loving your poem is.

  3. Janice, first of all, congratulations to the bride and groom and the mother and father of the groom. The photos are beautiful! I also want to extend congratulations on your published poem. Your poem is full of memories. I would also have questions for your mother. I always wonder and need more information. Stay cool in Syracuse. It is hot here also with high humidity.

  4. I’m so happy for you, a new family, a new scarf, and a published poem! So much goodness. Your poem reminds me that even the most golden days have a tinge of sadness. As that walk with your mom. Thanks for sharing!

  5. Congratulations, Janice! The photos are lovely and that scarf – exquisite! I love the mystery in your poem and the bittersweet memory. Wonderful emotion.

  6. What a joy to expand your family over international boundaries. Meng is beautiful! And the emerald green scarf needs its own poem! Janice, I love your story-poem… a memory made real.

  7. Congrats to all, and isn’t it wonderful when your world expands exponentially in a moment? I love your tiny seed poem and how it eats its own delicate flower tail!

  8. Congratulations to your son and his bride, and to your families! Also congratulations on having your poem published — I was so excited when I read it in the Tiny Seed Literary Journal email and I could say…Hey! I “know” her!!!

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