Poetry Swap: Visitors from Other Worlds

Welcome to Poetry Friday, this week, hosted by Romona, at https://pleasuresfromthepage.blogspot.com. Thank you for hosting, Romona!

What is Poetry Friday? Find out at https://www.nowaterriver.com/what-is-poetry-friday/

Previously I posted concerning questions about the universe at https://janicescully.com/wp-admin/post.php?post=4858&action=edit

I shared this Golden Shovel poem entitled Einstein’s Theory of Relativity:

Einstein's Theory of Relativity

 ". . . we are luminous beings made of energy." (Quote from "Frequently asked Questions about the Universe," by Jorge Cham & Daniel Whiteson.

Because of Einstein, we
find out that we aren’t what we think we are.
Can you sense the luminous
forces that bind molecules inside Human beings
together? Our arms and legs seem made
to appear solid, but we are simply sculpted of 
pure energy. 

© Janice Scully 2023 

In my recent poetry swap gift, Tabatha responded to my poem, imagining what the visitors from other worlds might look like, how energy might “shape itself” in the alien world. It’s a wonderful poem, and we all might wonder if life on other planets are like us or “a new formulation, unrecognizable to us.”

by Tabatha Yeatts
They could be anything, couldn't they?
The possibility of cosmic life circles us like a comet,
leaves a trail of stardust we fall asleep beneath, 
dreaming of creatures whose ship descends in our midst 
like a ladder being lowered from the galactic attic.
They could be anything, couldn't they?
We know this because we see what's here–
long-necked, long-limbed spotted leaf-eaters,
underwater jelly dancers, nighttime light darters,
zipping sword beaks, round-tailed waterslappers.
Even wolves come in a thousand unlikely variants,
including ones we can carry with us like a yapping moon.
Energy shapes itself in startling ways– asserts itself– 
is the recipe, the chef, and the waiting mouth.
What has it cooked up in other watery, windy worlds?
What life-forms are brewing, sloshing out of their primordial sea?
Are they primate-shaped, mammalian? Like us at all? 
Or perhaps they are a new formulation, unrecognizable to us,
which treasures the atmosphere, the elements, the star-span
that cups the flame of their existence, 
keeping it from blowing out.

Her poem arrived with a quote from Thoreau about gratitude that begins, “I am grateful for what I am and have.” I know I am grateful to Tabatha and the Poetry Friday community.

How shall I end this post? I’ll end with a haiku inspired about swimming and especially floating in a lake or a pool. For a few minutes I can make all external sounds go away and all is silent.

I float, ears submerged.
Swaying tree tops are silent.
Is it them breathing?

©Janice Scully 2023

I wonder if some aliens have ears and might similarly enjoy floating?

Have a wonderful weekend.

9 thoughts on “Poetry Swap: Visitors from Other Worlds”

  1. Janice, your post brings back the age-old question, Do aliens exist? I also started thinking about our bodies being something other than we think. Your thinking started Tabatha to think and write. Your exchange to one another is fascinating!

  2. It is an amazing poem from Tabatha, and yes, they could be anything! I think the first time I had to really stretch and ponder that idea was when reading the Ender’s Game books years ago. It is a challenge for us humans to imagine a creature, for instance, that doesn’t have eyes, ears, etc. Like your wonderful question, Janice, “Is it them breathing?” I love the post!

  3. Oh, my goodness…the richness of this post. I love Einstein’s quote and your response and then Tabathat’s response to that. The creative energy abounds in you and your words. Yes, it is time to breathe. Thank you.

  4. “Luminous forces” – “They could be anything, couldn’t they?” — Indeed! How fun to marvel and break free into the world of possibility, all through the prompt of a gift exchange. Such a great way to wind down summer!

  5. I was just over on Linda’s post reading of your gift to her. The exchange is special, connecting us as poets and as women. I feel so strongly the energy you write about in your Einstein’s theory. I’m working on mustering more energy every day. Energy is life.

    1. So many beautiful word combinations, Tabatha! You had me at galactic attic – then swept me away with your second verse of creature-descriptors. Just beautiful!

      How fortunate you were, Janice. And a wonderful haiku to round it all out.

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