Pie and other Endings

Thank you, Carol, for hosting Poetry Friday on your blog this Thanksgiving week at the beginning of the 2020 Holiday season. Check out what she is sharing this week at Carol’s Corner!

I have a lot to feel thankful for. My family is well, there is a vaccine and a new government is being assembled. It’s like hearing hoofbeats of the calvary just as a battle is about to be lost.

When I took this photo of the pie I made today, I thought about endings beyond simply my dinner.


The end of a dinner
The end of the month
The end of a season
The end of the year
The end of a Presidency.
The end of veering away
    from the North Star
The end of believing it's the right course.  

© Janice Scully 2020 

Today I spoke to a good friend who is a family practice doctor in the panhandle of Florida. He has many geriatric patients and is concerned about their safety as well as his own. A number of his patients have refused to wear a mask when they come to his office. I could tell it was exhausting for him to deal with just as Florida is on fire with Covid.

So, what will this ending mean? How persuasive will an empathetic and steady hand be? Is there a fast forward button to 1/20/21?

Thank you, Carol, for hosting! My best to all and a Happy Thanksgiving