Another Halloween Poem

Welcome to Poetry Friday! This week we are hosted by the clever Bridget Magee HERE. This week she has been posting a different poem by a different poet from her anthology: 10*10: Poetry Anthology Celebrating 10 in 10 Different Ways. It’s been great reading such wonderful poems for kids, many from Poetry Friday friends.

Halloween is on my mind. I particularly love that on this holiday, dreadful things that visit and scare the daylights out of you, simply disappear the next day. Like these scary dudes, who once on a Halloween night pretended to be my children.

Gone! Whoosh! They disappeared on November first.

What an emotionally satisfying holiday and I have never, ever, appreciated Halloween more than I do this year! Maybe others feel this, too.

And as usual in Central New York, the pumpkins are amazing. Who could resist smiling in the midst of such a frightful holiday when standing amongst hundreds of bright orange pumpkins?

So, next weekend I anticipate the knocks on my door and the trail of dreadful visitors, anticipating the relief I know I will feel on November 1st when they are gone.


bare trees
on doormats


cold wind
big moon
owl eyes

I can’t go to sleep!
Witches careen! 
It seems like forever
until Halloween. 

©Janice Scully 2021 (draft)

Have a great week! And thank you Bridget for hosting!