Poetry Gifts

Welcome to Poetry Friday, this week hosted by the talented Carol Varsalona at Beyond Literacy Here. Stop by, she always has wonderful poetry to share.

And so do I today. Thank you Jone Rush MacCullough for organizing the postcard swap, to celebrate the New Year with poems. Here are two lovely gifts I received this week. This postcard was sent by Mary Lee:

On the back was this haiku:

each flame provides light
we illuminate this world
us all--together

Mary Lee Hahn

Maybe Mary Lee is referring to Poetry Friday bloggers. She could be. I’m so grateful to feel welcome and part of this group.

And from Linda Mitchell came a Christmas ornament inspired by one of Sara Teasdale’s poems:

There will Be Stars

There will be stars over the place forever;
Though the house we loved and the street
we loved are lost,
Every time the earth circles her orbit
On the night the autumn equinox is crossed,
Two stars we knew, poised on the peak of mid-night
Will reach their zenith; stillness will be deep;
There will be stars over the place forever,
There will be stars forever, while we sleep.

by Sara Teasdale
Dark of the Moon (1926)

On the sky colored star-shaped ornament that Linda made is a haiku inspired by “There will be stars.”

stillness will be deep
stars forever while we sleep
circles on the night

Linda Mitchell

Linda also added another poem:

Between joy and sorrow,
all I need to do is look up
to know the stars are above you too.
Remember to look up.
Happy New Year!

Linda Mitchell

I was so thrilled to get these in my mailbox and so grateful.

No matter what happens this year, there will be stars.

Stay well, Everyone. Thank you, Carol, for hosting Poetry Friday!