Tiny Hats in Cardiff

Welcome to Poetry Friday, hosted this week by Margaret Simon at Reflections on the Teche. Not only is she sharing some of her own awesome poems, you will also find an amazing photo by Jone Macculoch. Don’t miss them! Thank you, Margaret, for hosting.

I’m a little late this week. Hope everyone has had a good beginning of June. Today I’m sharing a photo from Cardiff, Whales. I have never seen an art project like this! It was taken by Mari, a friend of a friend, came upon it and who has given me permission to share it. Thank you, Mari! I wonder who thought up such a fanciful display.

tiny hats atop

metal fence posts in Cardiff–

for who might need one.

©Janice Scully 2021

Have a wonderful first week of June, everyone. Thank you Margaret for hosting.

13 thoughts on “Tiny Hats in Cardiff”

  1. Those tiny hats are as sweet as can be. It reminds me of my daughter and her friends knitting graffiti projects in college. Your poem gives me a lovely and magical thought about who might need one of these tiny hats.

  2. How darling! I love all those happy hats waiting for someone to come choose. A sweet, strong idea is a poem any day!

  3. That is the sweetest thing, Janice. I hope you share with them across the water. I bet they would love your poem about those tiny hats.

  4. I adore art that makes me smile the way these tiny hats on the tiny spike-heads of the fence do! We have knitters in our community that routinely create art out of/on top of commonplace items. One of my favorites was a stop sign that was turned into a flower with ruffly petals around the edge of the sign, and a green stem of a post, including leaves. A big boulder on a main drag was recently covered with bright stripes of knitting (crocheting?). Fun stuff. Because of your poem, I’m thinking that maybe each one needs its own poetic response…

  5. What a whimsical photo! Your poem makes me picture tiny fey folk happening upon these adorable hats and carefully selecting one before continuing jauntily on their way … somewhere.

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