West Coast Wildlife, Three Haiku

Welcome to Poetry Friday! Bridget is hosting today and she invites us to a dance party, acknowledging that all of us need occasional respite from the troubles and worry in the world. Check out her happy post and video:


Thank you Bridget, for hosting! It has been a tough week with war a constant preoccupation.

I spent the last three weeks with my son and his wife in Pacifica, California, so have been away from Poetry Friday. But I’ve been gathering photos and thinking about posts. I look forward to catching up on the poetry goodness this week that I know is waiting.

While on the west coast, My husband and I walked the quiet beach nearby almost daily to check out the wild life. Western squirrels were a little different.

This little friend doesn’t live in trees like the squirrels in New York State do. They live in burrows and we saw them darting into cracks between the boulders by the ocean. Ground squirrels have a less fluffy tail and are known for their strong hind legs that allows them, like this squirrel, to keep a sharp lookout for predators. My husband, quick with his phone, was lucky to snap this.

small furry ground squirrel
casting a lengthy shadow--
but ready to hide.

©Janice Scully 2023

Besides these numerous squirrels, we loved watching the gulls who were in turn watching the fishermen on the pier.

gulls and fishermen 
watch the baited lines for tugs--
everyone hungry 

©Janice Scully 2023

Sunset in Pacifica

beaches at sunset--
shades of tan and gray blacken
as the sky ignites. 

I hope everyone is well. My thoughts are with all those in danger in the Middle East and in Ukraine.

18 thoughts on “West Coast Wildlife, Three Haiku”

  1. So glad you were able to spend time with son and wife and squirrels and sunsets and gulls! Beautiful, all. xo

  2. What a marvelous trip you have, Janice. Those western squirrels are new to me, fascinating differences from ours, too. Sea gulls, too, give some fun views with their antics, and I’ve seen some wonderful sunsets recently, too. I love yours, and all the words you captured! Thanks for sharing some of your trip!

  3. Yay for west coast adventures, Janice! Having grown up in California, seeing your ground squirrel photo and poem makes me happy. Your “ignited” sky is spectacular. 🙂

  4. Beautiful haiku, Janice. Wonderful to “tag along” with you to California. Didn’t know that about Western squirrels — fascinating!

  5. Janice, How wonderful you’ve traveled to California! I was wondering where the California inspiration came from with the photos you shared with me! I believe my son and I were in Pacifica this past June. We went out to see the Redwoods. It is in Northern California, is it not? Or am I mistaken? In any case, I love the way to turned your observations into vibrant Haiku. Thanks for sharing!

  6. Janice, it is in travelling to different places that we expose ourselves to different perspectives and garner insight and understanding. We frequently return with stories and images. Your time on the west coast has afforded you such an experience. Haikus and images are tangible evidence of your gatherings. I like the idea of linking haiku to those holiday snaps. Will note that down for my next sojourn.

  7. Thanks for this lovely trip to the west. Your haikus and photos capture the beauty of the region. Hope you had (or are having) a wonderful trip.

  8. Are the squirrels in NY as annoying as our west coast rodents? Yes, fluffy tails and all their scurrying and skittering. Yes, their inquisitiveness, their bravado – till the last second…but rodent nonetheless! But if I had to choose, definitely squirrels over pigeons!

  9. I love all your nature packed haikus and images–the pic of the squirrel is terrific! “as the sky ignites. ” this line really echos your image-gorgeous. When I was in CA a while back the gulls seemed bigger and fuller than the ones we have here in Chicago, as they do in your image… Thanks for taking us along Janice!

  10. It sounds like a wonderful trip. Spending time with family is always the best! Your haiku and photos are wonderful. I especially love the ground squirrel haiku.

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